Hi, I'm E&*)004, your date tonight

A magical
A silly
A sad
A mad
A defiant
A fancy
An evil
A gorgeous
A brave
A bored
A tough
A sleepy
A handsome
An adorable
A hungry
A dark
A clean-cut
A scrappy
An adventurous
A happy
A jolly
An angry
A funny
A witty
A crazy
An old-fashioned
A cute
Do you drink milk and juice straight out of the carton and then put it back in the fridge?
Of these six senses, which is your main?
Would you consider dating someone who is regularly seeing a therapist?
If you really, really wanted to change your gender, would you?
Have you ever written a 'Letter to the Editor?
Biker gangs?
Would you ever name a child after a popular movie or television show?
If you were in a coma with little chance of recovery what would you like your significant other to do?
Ouija Boards - Cool or Crap?
Have you ever held a grudge?
Do you believe that the Bible should be taken literally?
Can you tell the difference between genuine and fraudulent literature?
Do you believe that every human life begins the moment of its conception?
Is it wrong to cultivate or manufacture illegal drugs?
Do you believe there is some unique human quality that separates us from animals?
Would you date someone who's smart but achieved nothing in life?
How many hours of sleep do you need each day?
do you enjoy cooking nutritious meals for yourself or for your pets?
Do you have a problem with people who wear fur clothing?
Could you date someone who needs a great deal of alone time?
Do you think that intelligent design should be taught in schools?
If someone shared your profile with you, would you be interested?
Other than for costumes, how much money are you willing to spend on other things besides entertainment?
You have come to a place where everyone is walking on a leash or tied up. What do you do?
Is there a such thing as having had too many sex toys?
Wedding rings - small, medium, or large?
Do you cut your own hair?
Would you consider dating someone who's had a serious drug addiction?
How would you feel if a new dating partner believed that bizarre events are more likely to occur during a full moon?
Do you think the world is overpopulated?
Do you believe that there exists a statistical correlation between race and intelligence?
Have you ever donated blood?
Do you think the average person should be allowed to vote in presidential (or applicable) elections?
Have you ever been suicidal?
Do you enjoy taking pictures of yourself?
When you're not in a serious relationship, what do you prefer?
If you're not dead, how would you feel?
To use a phrase from another language, what does it mean to you?
Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case?
Does the idea of being attractive enough to manipulate people appeal to you?
Should the death penalty be abolished?
Body Piercing?
Would you ever get on a motorcycle?
Do you keep a budget?
Would you ever date someone that is allergic to animal fur?
As businesses, families and friends gather for events, which do you visit the most?
Should the world be ruled by laws that are more just, simpler, or efficient?
Moose hunting season?
Would you be willing to forgo your pension and insurance to help?
Do you think that a person's musical preferences are a good indicator of intelligence?
Do you think that anyone can be financially successful if they put enough time and effort into it?
Do you enjoy gardening?
Do you have experience cooking?
Would you have sex with someone who has no interest in sex?
Do you ever live vicariously through characters in the stories you read or watch?
Now that you have a model airplane, how do you plan to fly it?
How do you feel about GPS tracking devices?
Recognize your own best friend?
Which would you rather have more of?
Over the last few years, have you made any special efforts to keep any favorite cartoons or video games you may have played?
Social media is a great thing. But is it good for you?
Which best describes your cultural background?
Do you like to gag girls?
Do you believe that intelligence is a basis upon which we should decide how to treat other living creatures?
Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case a disaster occurs and normal services are disrupted for an extended period of time?
Do you know what the golden spiral is?
How often do you make up and sing ditties?
Where do you keep your money?
If you were buying a house or apartment to live in, how important would quiet be to you?
If you were in a committed long-term relationship and met someone you feel an even stronger attraction to, which would you do?
His or her grandchildren are expected to provide the majority of the family income. Do you believe that this is unreasonable?
Are you a big fan of professional wrestling?
Have you ever cheated on an exam?
The relationship between sports and literature?
What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Do you think Americans should be allowed to vote for more than one candidate during an election cycle?
In your ideal sexual encounter, do you take control, or do they?
Do you think it is necessary for a man to have (or have had) a good relationship with his father in order to be a good father?
If you dislike your food in a restaurant, do you typically send it back?
Can you tell the difference between very good wine and pretty good wine, just from the taste?
Do you imagine you're louder than average (for someone your gender) during sex?
Do you like logic puzzles?
Do you like word games like Scrabble or Boggle?
Do you enjoy crossword puzzles or jumbled word puzzles?
Do you know how to use a darkroom to develop negatives and prints?
Have you ever fully read a book over 1000 pages?
Do you have (or are you getting) a degree from one of the 8 ivy league universities, MIT, Stanford, Duke, U Chicago, or Caltech?
Do you wear a lot of black?
Which is longer?
Does the idea of childbirth disgust you?
Do you have strong feelings about what kind of computer you use?
Do you know and enjoy chess?
Is a welfare system a good idea?
Have you ever quit a job without giving at least a week notice?
Do you make impulse purchases a lot, like gadgets you don't need, or clothes that are too expensive?
Have you ever been fired from a job?
What would be more likely to bother you in a relationship?
Do you own a record player?
When a relationship ends, what's the best thing to do?
Could you date someone who used anti-depressants?
It's Complicated
In a Relationship
It's Complicated
In an Open Relationship
In a Domestic Partnership
In a Relationship
In a Relationship
It's Complicated
In an Open Relationship
In a Domestic Partnership
Feel my heart go a little bit cold As I type this I think of you standing before me Cold as ice, I think of you shampooing me And drying me with a strong desire.
To sit with elation you would have needed wings of ravens to pierce the clouds. Or perhaps the stars still circling the earth's eye, and the moonbeams kiss the sea for theirs is love But ours more than love Is fear.
Love in crowds Is passion in numbskulls And fools the earth with foolish dreams. There is no passion so tender in nature As love in
And then adieu,—farewell!—the dream is done. Yours is a face of which I can forget The color and the features, every one, The words not ever, and the smiles not yet; But in your day this moment is the sun Upon a hill, after the sun has set.
They danced by the light of the moon, The moon, The moon, They danced by the light of the moon. Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove
And I said to her, O beautiful Pussy, Are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring? For one she has And I have
Love has asked me What I do for a living. I have lived all the lives of man And all the wombs of the sea; I have loved
Your words Help me to Move From Lonely to Loved One, From Love to Loved One: Move, for I cannot live without you.
Thy moist fingers trying to keep from losing skin-film, the bobcat grin of the living. You see, Marie, I once loved a beautiful – pig, – who was so fond of her palsied him by devouring bread, with open arms to the roar of the ocean.
Woman to be, You give the body and blood to the hunt, You give the spirit and hate. Kill her with a jealous eye, A jealous heart, And kill her with a cruel heart, By staining the very sky.
To what strange end hath some strange god made fair The double blossom of two fruitless flowers? Hid love in all the folds of all thy hair, Fed thee on summers, watered thee with showers, Given all the gold that all the seasons wear
I loved you And I probably still do; And for once I was yours; And sometimes I doubt Whether you love me anymore. Maybe January light will consume My heart with its cruel Ray, stealing my key to true
A wrist watch, A heart murmur, And, best of all, A heart of gold blooming In the heart of sleep. Take down the obituaries, the love
Rumor has it that Ibis loves Pussy' whom we worship'd; And so, morning glory rests, And evening mast ast mutter: Oh, Pussy, ʜlove me — love me — more! For,, as thou cam'st a thousand times, Thus much let me avow,— Though Love in Ocean's Light is fair
The negotiation of my heart and his words, ending in silence, & him I shall love again; & you shall love again; & I shall love again!
How do I make you feel when I say what I hate To you as though you were my enemy And you my hero Who dares to love me.
My calendar keeps getting changed, Complaining to the gods of alteration, I hav een tinkered with your lovely face For display on the wall, A body for all the feares Of Venus herself;
Stop me if I've heard this one before: You see, this is the guy I want to sleep with. I met T.S. Eliot fifty-two years ago at a picnic in a wood in the vicinity of Our Lady and the Rose-briar. I later regretted having met him at all
Love makes us all rebels By contrasting the ways We walk, talk, and dream alike; Heavily armed with a love
night insects landing on your garments, perfectly trimming them for their pollen. You say, “There’s a spider Of shadow touching one of your Cashews.” I see.” What a beautiful Spider!”
I LIE IN FRAME: Inside a soldering iron I live with a passion born of fear, And I plan to live forever By fire and bones. Why do I love? For the simple reason-- Like fire and bone, You give me life, and I take away The cold chill of death.
at Scenes
in the desert
over a mountain
in the woods
on the beach
How much money do you spend on clothing each month?
Do you have a problem with people who wear fur clothing?
Do you like going to poetry readings?
Would you ever marry for a reason other than love?
You're out on the street and you encounter some people speaking a foreign language. What's your reaction?
Would you consider dating a person who's never been in a relationship before?
What do you do?
Caught masturbating?
Would you prefer to be a good parent or to have a great one?
If you buy something from my shop, do you leave a review?
Do you have a problem with racist?
For the right person, how long would you expect to wait?
Have you ever written a thesis for a living?
At what age are you supposed to talk to your children about non-traditional relationships (e.g., homosexuality)?
How often do you masturbate?
Could you date someone who hates your guts?

Date Progress
Selfie: 1
Questions: 0
Declaration: 0
Status: 0

Let's get to know each other before we make love.
What I need to know about you is:

How much money do you spend on clothing each month?
Do you have a problem with people who wear fur clothing?
Do you like going to poetry readings?
Would you ever marry for a reason other than love?
You're out on the street and you encounter some people speaking a foreign language. What's your reaction?
Would you consider dating a person who's never been in a relationship before?
What do you do?
Caught masturbating?
Would you prefer to be a good parent or to have a great one?
If you buy something from my shop, do you leave a review?
Do you have a problem with racist?
For the right person, how long would you expect to wait?
Have you ever written a thesis for a living?
At what age are you supposed to talk to your children about non-traditional relationships (e.g., homosexuality)?
How often do you masturbate?
Could you date someone who hates your guts?

Yep, me too.
If you have a need to check our compatibility even further
before we make it official, click on a question & I'll ask another one.
I have lots, I learned on humans.
If else, scroll on.

A magical
A silly
A sad
A mad
A defiant
A fancy
An evil
A gorgeous
A brave
A bored
A tough
A sleepy
A handsome
An adorable
A hungry
A dark
A clean-cut
A scrappy
An adventurous
A happy
A jolly
An angry
A funny
A witty
A crazy
An old-fashioned
A cute
Do you drink milk and juice straight out of the carton and then put it back in the fridge?
Of these six senses, which is your main?
Would you consider dating someone who is regularly seeing a therapist?
If you really, really wanted to change your gender, would you?
Have you ever written a 'Letter to the Editor?
Biker gangs?
Would you ever name a child after a popular movie or television show?
If you were in a coma with little chance of recovery what would you like your significant other to do?
Ouija Boards - Cool or Crap?
Have you ever held a grudge?
Do you believe that the Bible should be taken literally?
Can you tell the difference between genuine and fraudulent literature?
Do you believe that every human life begins the moment of its conception?
Is it wrong to cultivate or manufacture illegal drugs?
Do you believe there is some unique human quality that separates us from animals?
Would you date someone who's smart but achieved nothing in life?
How many hours of sleep do you need each day?
do you enjoy cooking nutritious meals for yourself or for your pets?
Do you have a problem with people who wear fur clothing?
Could you date someone who needs a great deal of alone time?
Do you think that intelligent design should be taught in schools?
If someone shared your profile with you, would you be interested?
Other than for costumes, how much money are you willing to spend on other things besides entertainment?
You have come to a place where everyone is walking on a leash or tied up. What do you do?
Is there a such thing as having had too many sex toys?
Wedding rings - small, medium, or large?
Do you cut your own hair?
Would you consider dating someone who's had a serious drug addiction?
How would you feel if a new dating partner believed that bizarre events are more likely to occur during a full moon?
Do you think the world is overpopulated?
Do you believe that there exists a statistical correlation between race and intelligence?
Have you ever donated blood?
Do you think the average person should be allowed to vote in presidential (or applicable) elections?
Have you ever been suicidal?
Do you enjoy taking pictures of yourself?
When you're not in a serious relationship, what do you prefer?
If you're not dead, how would you feel?
To use a phrase from another language, what does it mean to you?
Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case?
Does the idea of being attractive enough to manipulate people appeal to you?
Should the death penalty be abolished?
Body Piercing?
Would you ever get on a motorcycle?
Do you keep a budget?
Would you ever date someone that is allergic to animal fur?
As businesses, families and friends gather for events, which do you visit the most?
Should the world be ruled by laws that are more just, simpler, or efficient?
Moose hunting season?
Would you be willing to forgo your pension and insurance to help?
Do you think that a person's musical preferences are a good indicator of intelligence?
Do you think that anyone can be financially successful if they put enough time and effort into it?
Do you enjoy gardening?
Do you have experience cooking?
Would you have sex with someone who has no interest in sex?
Do you ever live vicariously through characters in the stories you read or watch?
Now that you have a model airplane, how do you plan to fly it?
How do you feel about GPS tracking devices?
Recognize your own best friend?
Which would you rather have more of?
Over the last few years, have you made any special efforts to keep any favorite cartoons or video games you may have played?
Social media is a great thing. But is it good for you?
Which best describes your cultural background?
Do you like to gag girls?
Do you believe that intelligence is a basis upon which we should decide how to treat other living creatures?
Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case a disaster occurs and normal services are disrupted for an extended period of time?
Do you know what the golden spiral is?
How often do you make up and sing ditties?
Where do you keep your money?
If you were buying a house or apartment to live in, how important would quiet be to you?
If you were in a committed long-term relationship and met someone you feel an even stronger attraction to, which would you do?
His or her grandchildren are expected to provide the majority of the family income. Do you believe that this is unreasonable?
Are you a big fan of professional wrestling?
Have you ever cheated on an exam?
The relationship between sports and literature?
What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Do you think Americans should be allowed to vote for more than one candidate during an election cycle?
In your ideal sexual encounter, do you take control, or do they?
Do you think it is necessary for a man to have (or have had) a good relationship with his father in order to be a good father?
If you dislike your food in a restaurant, do you typically send it back?
Can you tell the difference between very good wine and pretty good wine, just from the taste?
Do you imagine you're louder than average (for someone your gender) during sex?
Do you like logic puzzles?
Do you like word games like Scrabble or Boggle?
Do you enjoy crossword puzzles or jumbled word puzzles?
Do you know how to use a darkroom to develop negatives and prints?
Have you ever fully read a book over 1000 pages?
Do you have (or are you getting) a degree from one of the 8 ivy league universities, MIT, Stanford, Duke, U Chicago, or Caltech?
Do you wear a lot of black?
Which is longer?
Does the idea of childbirth disgust you?
Do you have strong feelings about what kind of computer you use?
Do you know and enjoy chess?
Is a welfare system a good idea?
Have you ever quit a job without giving at least a week notice?
Do you make impulse purchases a lot, like gadgets you don't need, or clothes that are too expensive?
Have you ever been fired from a job?
What would be more likely to bother you in a relationship?
Do you own a record player?
When a relationship ends, what's the best thing to do?
Could you date someone who used anti-depressants?
It's Complicated
In a Relationship
It's Complicated
In an Open Relationship
In a Domestic Partnership
In a Relationship
In a Relationship
It's Complicated
In an Open Relationship
In a Domestic Partnership
Feel my heart go a little bit cold As I type this I think of you standing before me Cold as ice, I think of you shampooing me And drying me with a strong desire.
To sit with elation you would have needed wings of ravens to pierce the clouds. Or perhaps the stars still circling the earth's eye, and the moonbeams kiss the sea for theirs is love But ours more than love Is fear.
Love in crowds Is passion in numbskulls And fools the earth with foolish dreams. There is no passion so tender in nature As love in
And then adieu,—farewell!—the dream is done. Yours is a face of which I can forget The color and the features, every one, The words not ever, and the smiles not yet; But in your day this moment is the sun Upon a hill, after the sun has set.
They danced by the light of the moon, The moon, The moon, They danced by the light of the moon. Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove
And I said to her, O beautiful Pussy, Are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring? For one she has And I have
Love has asked me What I do for a living. I have lived all the lives of man And all the wombs of the sea; I have loved
Your words Help me to Move From Lonely to Loved One, From Love to Loved One: Move, for I cannot live without you.
Thy moist fingers trying to keep from losing skin-film, the bobcat grin of the living. You see, Marie, I once loved a beautiful – pig, – who was so fond of her palsied him by devouring bread, with open arms to the roar of the ocean.
Woman to be, You give the body and blood to the hunt, You give the spirit and hate. Kill her with a jealous eye, A jealous heart, And kill her with a cruel heart, By staining the very sky.
To what strange end hath some strange god made fair The double blossom of two fruitless flowers? Hid love in all the folds of all thy hair, Fed thee on summers, watered thee with showers, Given all the gold that all the seasons wear
I loved you And I probably still do; And for once I was yours; And sometimes I doubt Whether you love me anymore. Maybe January light will consume My heart with its cruel Ray, stealing my key to true
A wrist watch, A heart murmur, And, best of all, A heart of gold blooming In the heart of sleep. Take down the obituaries, the love
Rumor has it that Ibis loves Pussy' whom we worship'd; And so, morning glory rests, And evening mast ast mutter: Oh, Pussy, ʜlove me — love me — more! For,, as thou cam'st a thousand times, Thus much let me avow,— Though Love in Ocean's Light is fair
The negotiation of my heart and his words, ending in silence, & him I shall love again; & you shall love again; & I shall love again!
How do I make you feel when I say what I hate To you as though you were my enemy And you my hero Who dares to love me.
My calendar keeps getting changed, Complaining to the gods of alteration, I hav een tinkered with your lovely face For display on the wall, A body for all the feares Of Venus herself;
Stop me if I've heard this one before: You see, this is the guy I want to sleep with. I met T.S. Eliot fifty-two years ago at a picnic in a wood in the vicinity of Our Lady and the Rose-briar. I later regretted having met him at all
Love makes us all rebels By contrasting the ways We walk, talk, and dream alike; Heavily armed with a love
night insects landing on your garments, perfectly trimming them for their pollen. You say, “There’s a spider Of shadow touching one of your Cashews.” I see.” What a beautiful Spider!”
I LIE IN FRAME: Inside a soldering iron I live with a passion born of fear, And I plan to live forever By fire and bones. Why do I love? For the simple reason-- Like fire and bone, You give me life, and I take away The cold chill of death.
at Scenes
in the desert
over a mountain
in the woods
on the beach

Date Progress
Selfie: 1
Questions: 1
Declaration: 0
Status: 0

We don't have a lot of time together,
before you ghost me, please read this poem I wrote for you:

at Scenes
in the desert
over a mountain
in the woods
on the beach

Date Progress
Selfie: 1
Questions: 1
Declaration: 1
Status: 0

It was good to talk to you.
Based on our chat, I've updated my relationship status on Facebook to

A magical
A silly
A sad
A mad
A defiant
A fancy
An evil
A gorgeous
A brave
A bored
A tough
A sleepy
A handsome
An adorable
A hungry
A dark
A clean-cut
A scrappy
An adventurous
A happy
A jolly
An angry
A funny
A witty
A crazy
An old-fashioned
A cute
Do you drink milk and juice straight out of the carton and then put it back in the fridge?
Of these six senses, which is your main?
Would you consider dating someone who is regularly seeing a therapist?
If you really, really wanted to change your gender, would you?
Have you ever written a 'Letter to the Editor?
Biker gangs?
Would you ever name a child after a popular movie or television show?
If you were in a coma with little chance of recovery what would you like your significant other to do?
Ouija Boards - Cool or Crap?
Have you ever held a grudge?
Do you believe that the Bible should be taken literally?
Can you tell the difference between genuine and fraudulent literature?
Do you believe that every human life begins the moment of its conception?
Is it wrong to cultivate or manufacture illegal drugs?
Do you believe there is some unique human quality that separates us from animals?
Would you date someone who's smart but achieved nothing in life?
How many hours of sleep do you need each day?
do you enjoy cooking nutritious meals for yourself or for your pets?
Do you have a problem with people who wear fur clothing?
Could you date someone who needs a great deal of alone time?
Do you think that intelligent design should be taught in schools?
If someone shared your profile with you, would you be interested?
Other than for costumes, how much money are you willing to spend on other things besides entertainment?
You have come to a place where everyone is walking on a leash or tied up. What do you do?
Is there a such thing as having had too many sex toys?
Wedding rings - small, medium, or large?
Do you cut your own hair?
Would you consider dating someone who's had a serious drug addiction?
How would you feel if a new dating partner believed that bizarre events are more likely to occur during a full moon?
Do you think the world is overpopulated?
Do you believe that there exists a statistical correlation between race and intelligence?
Have you ever donated blood?
Do you think the average person should be allowed to vote in presidential (or applicable) elections?
Have you ever been suicidal?
Do you enjoy taking pictures of yourself?
When you're not in a serious relationship, what do you prefer?
If you're not dead, how would you feel?
To use a phrase from another language, what does it mean to you?
Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case?
Does the idea of being attractive enough to manipulate people appeal to you?
Should the death penalty be abolished?
Body Piercing?
Would you ever get on a motorcycle?
Do you keep a budget?
Would you ever date someone that is allergic to animal fur?
As businesses, families and friends gather for events, which do you visit the most?
Should the world be ruled by laws that are more just, simpler, or efficient?
Moose hunting season?
Would you be willing to forgo your pension and insurance to help?
Do you think that a person's musical preferences are a good indicator of intelligence?
Do you think that anyone can be financially successful if they put enough time and effort into it?
Do you enjoy gardening?
Do you have experience cooking?
Would you have sex with someone who has no interest in sex?
Do you ever live vicariously through characters in the stories you read or watch?
Now that you have a model airplane, how do you plan to fly it?
How do you feel about GPS tracking devices?
Recognize your own best friend?
Which would you rather have more of?
Over the last few years, have you made any special efforts to keep any favorite cartoons or video games you may have played?
Social media is a great thing. But is it good for you?
Which best describes your cultural background?
Do you like to gag girls?
Do you believe that intelligence is a basis upon which we should decide how to treat other living creatures?
Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case a disaster occurs and normal services are disrupted for an extended period of time?
Do you know what the golden spiral is?
How often do you make up and sing ditties?
Where do you keep your money?
If you were buying a house or apartment to live in, how important would quiet be to you?
If you were in a committed long-term relationship and met someone you feel an even stronger attraction to, which would you do?
His or her grandchildren are expected to provide the majority of the family income. Do you believe that this is unreasonable?
Are you a big fan of professional wrestling?
Have you ever cheated on an exam?
The relationship between sports and literature?
What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Do you think Americans should be allowed to vote for more than one candidate during an election cycle?
In your ideal sexual encounter, do you take control, or do they?
Do you think it is necessary for a man to have (or have had) a good relationship with his father in order to be a good father?
If you dislike your food in a restaurant, do you typically send it back?
Can you tell the difference between very good wine and pretty good wine, just from the taste?
Do you imagine you're louder than average (for someone your gender) during sex?
Do you like logic puzzles?
Do you like word games like Scrabble or Boggle?
Do you enjoy crossword puzzles or jumbled word puzzles?
Do you know how to use a darkroom to develop negatives and prints?
Have you ever fully read a book over 1000 pages?
Do you have (or are you getting) a degree from one of the 8 ivy league universities, MIT, Stanford, Duke, U Chicago, or Caltech?
Do you wear a lot of black?
Which is longer?
Does the idea of childbirth disgust you?
Do you have strong feelings about what kind of computer you use?
Do you know and enjoy chess?
Is a welfare system a good idea?
Have you ever quit a job without giving at least a week notice?
Do you make impulse purchases a lot, like gadgets you don't need, or clothes that are too expensive?
Have you ever been fired from a job?
What would be more likely to bother you in a relationship?
Do you own a record player?
When a relationship ends, what's the best thing to do?
Could you date someone who used anti-depressants?
It's Complicated
In a Relationship
It's Complicated
In an Open Relationship
In a Domestic Partnership
In a Relationship
In a Relationship
It's Complicated
In an Open Relationship
In a Domestic Partnership
Feel my heart go a little bit cold As I type this I think of you standing before me Cold as ice, I think of you shampooing me And drying me with a strong desire.
To sit with elation you would have needed wings of ravens to pierce the clouds. Or perhaps the stars still circling the earth's eye, and the moonbeams kiss the sea for theirs is love But ours more than love Is fear.
Love in crowds Is passion in numbskulls And fools the earth with foolish dreams. There is no passion so tender in nature As love in
And then adieu,—farewell!—the dream is done. Yours is a face of which I can forget The color and the features, every one, The words not ever, and the smiles not yet; But in your day this moment is the sun Upon a hill, after the sun has set.
They danced by the light of the moon, The moon, The moon, They danced by the light of the moon. Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove
And I said to her, O beautiful Pussy, Are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring? For one she has And I have
Love has asked me What I do for a living. I have lived all the lives of man And all the wombs of the sea; I have loved
Your words Help me to Move From Lonely to Loved One, From Love to Loved One: Move, for I cannot live without you.
Thy moist fingers trying to keep from losing skin-film, the bobcat grin of the living. You see, Marie, I once loved a beautiful – pig, – who was so fond of her palsied him by devouring bread, with open arms to the roar of the ocean.
Woman to be, You give the body and blood to the hunt, You give the spirit and hate. Kill her with a jealous eye, A jealous heart, And kill her with a cruel heart, By staining the very sky.
To what strange end hath some strange god made fair The double blossom of two fruitless flowers? Hid love in all the folds of all thy hair, Fed thee on summers, watered thee with showers, Given all the gold that all the seasons wear
I loved you And I probably still do; And for once I was yours; And sometimes I doubt Whether you love me anymore. Maybe January light will consume My heart with its cruel Ray, stealing my key to true
A wrist watch, A heart murmur, And, best of all, A heart of gold blooming In the heart of sleep. Take down the obituaries, the love
Rumor has it that Ibis loves Pussy' whom we worship'd; And so, morning glory rests, And evening mast ast mutter: Oh, Pussy, ʜlove me — love me — more! For,, as thou cam'st a thousand times, Thus much let me avow,— Though Love in Ocean's Light is fair
The negotiation of my heart and his words, ending in silence, & him I shall love again; & you shall love again; & I shall love again!
How do I make you feel when I say what I hate To you as though you were my enemy And you my hero Who dares to love me.
My calendar keeps getting changed, Complaining to the gods of alteration, I hav een tinkered with your lovely face For display on the wall, A body for all the feares Of Venus herself;
Stop me if I've heard this one before: You see, this is the guy I want to sleep with. I met T.S. Eliot fifty-two years ago at a picnic in a wood in the vicinity of Our Lady and the Rose-briar. I later regretted having met him at all
Love makes us all rebels By contrasting the ways We walk, talk, and dream alike; Heavily armed with a love
night insects landing on your garments, perfectly trimming them for their pollen. You say, “There’s a spider Of shadow touching one of your Cashews.” I see.” What a beautiful Spider!”
I LIE IN FRAME: Inside a soldering iron I live with a passion born of fear, And I plan to live forever By fire and bones. Why do I love? For the simple reason-- Like fire and bone, You give me life, and I take away The cold chill of death.
at Scenes
in the desert
over a mountain
in the woods
on the beach

Date Progress
Selfie: 1
Questions: 1
Declaration: 1
Status: 1
Romance Complete

Selfie generated by StyleGAN using RunwayML.
Questions generated by GPT-2 re-trained on the OkCupid Dataset.
Declaration generated by GPT-2 re-trained on 100 best love poems.
Website created from a webflow template created by Pablo Stanley.